Top 6 Psychology tips to improve your study concentration

Do you find it difficult to concentrate at work, at study? The most probable answer is ‘yes’. We all feel the need to concentrate ‘a little more’ on our task. And as a student we need to concentrate more: we have to learn and understand every concept, cram every single word, and retain them in memory for a long time.

Momentum, the best coaching institute in Gorakhpur for preparation of NEET, IIT-JEE, Olympiad, etc. helps you to learn the concepts and also gives you tips and tricks to improve your concentration. The institute guides you in such a way that you can retain and recall what you have learned for a long time.  In this article, we will learn all about concentration and the top 6 tips from psychology that help to improve study concentration.


What is concentration?

What is this concentration that plays such a crucial role in our most important tasks? Let’s make the answer very simple. Concentration is the mental effort with which we tend to focus our attention on the task. Don’t get it confused with attention span; it is the length of time; we concentrate on our work. We often lose our concentration. There are N-number of reasons for it: distractions, lack of sleep, stress, etc. We stress ourselves to improve our ability to concentrate. We definitely can improve our concentration by following simple psychological tricks.

Our coaching institute, Momentum at Gorakhpur understands the problems faced by students. We at Momentum know the impact of concentration on the studying methodology. Therefore, we provide the best environment for the students to learn with full concentration.


Top 6 psychological tips to improve concentration

Keep aside distractions

Distraction is a great obstacle to deep work. We often underestimate the haphazard it causes while we try to concentrate. Whether you are at home or college or school, there are distractions such as family, friends, various noises and sounds, and above all the virtual world to which we are always connected such as WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram and others. These spoil our ability to concentrate. So, keep aside these distractions and concentrate fully on your study. If not possible to completely remove such distractions, at least, try to minimize them.

Take sound sleep

If you are deprived of sound sleep, try to improve your sleeping habits. A sound sleep of 6 to 8 hours is important not only to improve concentration but also to keep oneself healthy, fit and fine. Sleep deprivation affects your mood, disrupts your concentration, and hampers your performance. A good night’s sleep helps you to wake up fresh. It helps you to take up new topics, new concepts with renewed energy. Moreover, it also helps you to be attentive in your class.

Keep yourself hydrated

Water is the most important thing in this world, second only to oxygen. You need to keep yourself always hydrated. Even negligible dehydration can cause weakness and fatigue. This makes you feel lethargic. Dehydration affects the working of your brain. It makes your brain cells lazy and consequently affects your concentration. Thus, drink enough water to improve your focus, attention span, and concentration.

Give yourself a break

Studying continuously for long hours can make you feel exhausted. Your attention starts to wander and you gradually lose the power to grasp. At this moment, take a break because you have toiled your brain enough. Refresh yourself with a short walk or a short nap or listen to some of your favourite music. Take something cool to drink or nutritious to eat. You can even go out and spend some time with Nature. Now return to your work. You will be surprised by your improved focus and concentration.

Don’t cram

To cram or memorize everything at the last hour is not a good idea. It never helps. Instead, it increases your stress level and in turn, has a negative impact on your ability to concentrate. So, don’t go for cramming rather adopt methods that are effective for short-term recall as well as long-term retention. Organize and plan your study; study in short sessions of 20 -30 minutes and focus on one topic in one session; read the materials slowly by understanding them, and try taking notes. Besides reviewing the materials from time to time help you to retain and recall the concepts easily. All these help your brain to retain the concepts and ideas for a long time.

Use different methods of learning

People have different learning capabilities. Moreover, each one of us also has our preferences of study techniques. Some may be comfortable with learning through textual books others may go for animated videos to get a better understanding of the concepts. Still, others may grasp better if they concentrate on hearing. So, reading aloud is also very helpful.

So, if you are an aspirant of NEET, IIT-JEE, or preparing for any government job, you need to improve your concentration power. Merely cramming everything does no good. At Momentum, the best coaching institute to prepare for competitive exams offers different methods of teaching and learning.


Why should you prefer Momentum of Gorakhpur for the preparation of NEET and IIT-JEE?

Momentum, the best coaching institute in Gorakhpur started in2004, has now developed as a brand. The institute has risen above all expectations. The expertise and methodologies of Momentum have helped students to understand and learn the concepts clearly and this has given them confidence. This premier institute guide students through:

  • Well-experienced, qualified, and competent faculty.
  • Different result-oriented and performance-oriented methodologies.
  • Well-planned curriculum and comprehensive study materials.
  • Periodic test conducted in the examination-like environment. Test papers strictly follow the pattern of entrance examinations.
  • Our doubt desk concept takes care of personalized doubt removal to enhance individual learning.




So, if you are struggling to learn new concepts for the preparation of the entrance tests for medical and engineering, then Momentum based in Gorakhpur is the best place to join after your matriculation. Here, you get complete guidance of the course and also to improve your concentration and focus which is important in preparing for such courses.

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